Warhammer Fantasy - Scenery - Tomb Kings - Temple of Souls

Warhammer Fantasy - Tomb Kings

Temple of Souls

Well Adventurer, are you brave enough to enter the.. "TEMPLE OF SOULS!!" ?

   The recent release of the Shattered Temple for Warhammer Age of Sigmar got me thinking that it would be a great scenery centrepiece for my Tomb Kings themed battlefield. We have named the Battlefield "Two Brass Pass" after a particularly woefully executed battleplan by the Tabletop Hobbit during one of our Triumph and Treachery "World Title Belt" Matches.

The Tabletop Hobbit busily plots his next staggering military blunder.

   I had already converted some leftover parts of the old Warhammer Fantasy Arcane Ruins Set (Watch out for what I used the rest for in the next Dark Elf Khainite article!) into some Tomb King pieces, The Shattered Temple looked like it would blend in nicely with these, so I will be matching the paintwork on this.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

   The Arcane Ruin parts were glued together then I added some Tomb King shields to the sides of the columns and a banner top on one side of the lintel and a skull  from the Warhammer Fortress Kit on the other.

   The Shattered Temple columns were fine as they come and I felt just the minor conversion of banner tops on each of the column plinths would make it look suitably Tomb King like.

   The banner ribbons were clipped off the two little gold skulls. I did consider leaving them on but thought it looked better without them. Also clipped off the little nodule on the reverse of the banner top where you would normally glue in the banner pole. This was to allow easier gluing to the plinth.

   Colour selection was determined by the theme of my Tomb King army, Sotek Green and Retributer Armour (Gold). I also use Stegadon Scale Green on some models and as a backdrop to boost the Sotek Green.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

   The entire piece was undercoated with a brown spray. I then watered down an old, almost finished, pot of Bestial Brown and applied this to all areas.

Note there is a Handy Links Section included at the foot of this post.

     The stone areas were painted with a layer of Karak Stone then washed with Agrax Earthshade the raised areas were dry-brushed with Karak Stone.

    I picked out areas that I wanted to be Sotek Green and applied a base layer of Stegadon Scale Green to these as well as the recessed areas in the central design. Then layered the Sotek Green on the raised areas and areas like the recesses on the Arcane Ruin pieces.


     The gold areas started with a base layer of Abbadon Black then a layer of Retributer Armour. When this dried I applied a wash of Agrax Earthshade over the gold to 'weather' it a little.


   Three are some gears and cogs in the central design. I base coated these with Abbadon Black the layered Leadbelcher to pick them out. I applied a wash of Nuln Oil over this to dull them down so as not to outshine the central skull motif.

   The couple of skulls in amongst the flagstone floor received an appropriate layer of Ushabti Bone and that's it.

   Keeping the colour scheme simple but themed certainly blends it in with the desert battlefield and with my Tomb King army as demonstrated by the Liche-priest conducting an arcane ritual to refill his Casket of Souls.

"Que Settra, Settra,
Whatever my will shall be
In Death for Eternity,
Que Settra, Settra."



As ever we suggest you look around for the best deals, but we have found the following the most competitive.


Warhammer Fantasy Scenery

Dominion of Sigmar: Hallowed Stormthrone -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: Penumbral Stormvault -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: Shattered Temple -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: Sigmarite Dias -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: The Enduring Stormvault -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape

Spray Paints

Testors Dullcoat, (The Best Matt Varnish) - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape

Model Paints

Army Painter Warpaints - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape  


Please note many of the UK listed companies here will post out to the Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA (and often others) often for CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY LOCALLY!!!

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Element  ?d=10389

Canada & USA:

Please note many of the UK listed companies here will post out to the Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA (and often others) often for CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY LOCALLY!!!


Australia & New Zealand:

Please note many of the UK listed companies here will post out to the Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA (and often others) often for CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY LOCALLY!!!


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