Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elves - Slavers Raiding Party - Army List

Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elves 

Slavers Raiding Party - Gildoren's Army Lists


  "A forest of black oak masts shifted and swayed in the bitter wind blowing from the Sea of Malice, causing the druchii sailors to hunch their shoulders and curse the Dragons Below as they went about their work. Captains bellowed between the gusts and leather lashes cracked. Slaves struggled beneath the weight of crates, baskets and canvas sacks, staggering up shifting gangplanks to unload their burdens in the black holds of sleek-hulled raiding ships. The docks at Clar Karond, City of Ships, bustled like an ant hive as the corsairs of Naggaroth made ready for sea." 

   Chronicles of Malus Darkblade. 'The Blood Price' Novella page 17
Published by Black Library, Games Workshop 2005

Warhammer Armies Dark Elves (8th Edition 2013) Page 28. A Raiding Squadron at Sea.

  As a spin-off of the High Elf Sea Patrol List you can find Chapter 1 of that trilogy Here, rather than a chapter 2 I have added the model images below..
  I thought I would give the Dark Elves a similarly naval-themed army list. Everyone likes a good nemesis don't they?

   The sleek-hulled raiding ships of the Druchii nobility sail the oceans in search of riches. The cruel Dark Elves are masterful sailors whose skills are only rivalled by their hated Asur cousins. Gold, Silver and Gem stones are good but no Druchii Corsair worth their (sea)salt would pass up the opportunity to return to port without a hold full of slaves. These slaves are a necessity for the Dark Elf "economy" to function. Nothing could feasibly be done without slaves, if a Dark Elf Noble wants to construct an addition to his tower, he will raid Dwarven areas in advance, as he knows the Dwarven slaves will build a sturdy tower...

   A raiding ship must be quick, nimble and be prepared to take advantage of all situations and are thus they are crewed by cunning Masters leading bands of ruthless Corsairs supported by other heroes and units that seek their fortune or to just enjoy the chill sea breeze and sewing of terror. They often sail in support of the Dreaded Black Arks - City sized vessels and a portent of evil and death the world over.

   There are a few characters and units that are naturally perfect for the list like the Fleetmaster, Lokhir Fellheart, Corsairs and the Kharibdyss.

   As with the Sea Patrol list, I've tried to keep this list thematic and fun - it may not necessarily be balanced but I have endeavoured to offset it's lack of elite infantry and cavalry.

   Dreadlords often accompany raiding expeditions lending some high value leadership and some potent fighting abilities, as well as access to flying mounts and the appropriate 'Show No Weakness' skill.

   Corsair Captains, Sea Witches and Assassins are basically straight lifts from Masters and Sorceresses and Khainite Assassins, each with a slight nod to the maritime theme.

   The Ship's Crew unit is designed to give the army some durable ranged fire while also giving them a little extra bite in combat if needed. The unit design is based on the City Guard unit created by Kevin J. Coleman back in the early 2000s for the Dark Elf City Garrison which featured in a White Dwarf and in Warhammer Chronicles 2003.

   Bolt Throwers are a straight lift but are augmented by the Naval Support rule representing the Druchii Raiders raking the shores with fire from their ships.

   Shades are a must. These elite scouts are dropped ashore away from the intended target and work their way to the flanks and rear to surprise their foes in ambush.

   Harpies often nest amongst the city spires but can often be found roosting in the masts and rigging of Druchii ships. The Harpies accompanying a Druchii Raider are often sleeker and faster than their mainland counterparts, being used to fighting the strong ocean winds. They receive the vanguard skill to represent this.

  The Bloodwrack Medusa was included for two reasons. Firstly to somewhat offset the lists' weaknesses and secondly because Wrack is a type of seaweed! I'll take even a tenuous link to the sea theme! Giving it the ambush skill felt right. I could see it slipping into the waves from the ship then surfacing on shore to slither into an advantageous position.

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Army Special Rules

As per entries in the Dark Elf army book with the following additions:

Mixed Unit: If upgraded with crossbows, all repeater crossbowmen in the unit must be in the front 2 ranks. (This includes the champion & musician). Models in the third rank, that are armed with spears, can make supporting attacks in the close combat phase. Casualties are taken from the back as normal.

Naval Support: The Sea Raider army can call on their warship to support their army on the battlefield. This represents the ship mounted bolt throwers being able to target enemy forces near the shoreline.

In each friendly shooting phase, the Sea Raider army can make D2 (+1 for each unit of  Black Ark Corsairs in the army) bolt thrower shots with a to hit penalty of -2 for very long range. These shots may target any enemy unit that is visible to a friendly model on the battlefield. Targets can benefit from cover as normal. Bolt throwers must fire six smaller repeating bolts unless the the enemy unit is a large target, in which case, it may opt fire a single bolt.


Dreadlord of the Fleet: Stats, rules and equipment as per Dreadlord in the Dark Elf army book.

May only take a Dark Pegasus or a Manticore as a mount.
Must take a Sea Dragon Cloak.
Has the 'Show no Weakness' skill.

Fleetmaster: As per Black Ark Fleetmaster in the Dark Elf army book.


Lokhir Fellheart: As per the entry in the Dark Elf army book.

Corsair Captain: Stats and rules as per Master in the Dark Elf army book.
   May only take a Dark Pegasus as a mount.
   Has the 'Show No Weakness' skill.
   Must take a Sea Dragon Cloak.

Sea Witch: Stats, rules and equipment as per Sorceress in the Dark Elf army book.
   If a Sea Witch uses spells from the Lore of Dark Magic. The first spell first spell generated by her is always Chillwind, regardless of the dice roll.
   May be mounted on a Dark Pegasus.

Assassin: Stats, rules and equipment as per Khainite Assassin in the Dark Elf army book.
   May take a Sea Dragon Cloak for +6pts but may not subsequently purchase magic armour.


Corsairs: As per Black Ark Corsairs in the Dark Elf army book.
   The army must include at least one unit of Corsairs.
   One unit of Corsairs may take a magic banner to the value of 35pts.
   Reavers (champions) may take a magic weapon to the value of 25pts.

Ship's Crew: Stats, rules and equipment as per Dreadspears in the Dark Elf army book.
   The front 2 ranks of models in this unit can exchange their spears for repeater crossbows for +3pts per model.

   Only 1 unit of Ship's Crew may be fielded in the army.
Mixed unit (see army special rules above).


Bolt Throwers: As per Reaper Bolt Throwers in the Dark Elf army book.
   You may field 2 Bolt Throwers per unit of Corsairs in your army.

Shades: As per Shades in the Dark Elf army book.
   Have the ambush skill.

You can read my Post on kit bashing Dark Elf Shades Here 

Harpies: As per Harpies in the Dark Elf army book.
   Have the vanguard skill.


Kharibdyss: As per Kharibdyss in the Dark Elf army book.

Bloodwrack Medusa: As per Bloodwrack Medusa in the Dark Elf army book.
   Has the ambush skill.

Once we are out of the current Corona-virus lock-down, I'm definitely going to have the Sea Raiders vs Sea Patrol showdown to see who rules the waves!

   Turitoth slipped down the carved ironwood gangplank from the quayside onto the deck of "The Nights Torment". Now resplendent in her fresh cauterised black blood hull colouring, she sat gracefully upon the cold grey water of the harbour. Her sleek shape and eye-defying blackness juxtaposed against a crisp clear blue sky and the jagged icebergs lurking menacingly around the inlet and clustering around her hull.

Plunder, Enslave, Conquer!

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