Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus Welcome to Mars Chapter 6 Belisarius Cawl

Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus

Chapter 6 Belisarius Cawl

Welcome to Mars!

   Well I thought after all these troops and heavy units I needed HQ choices so why not go for the top banana himself! Belisarius Cawl arrives to lead my Martian forces which are rapidly approaching the numbers required to field a battalion detachment.

   What a model! It is very intricate and very detailed and to be honest, made me a little nervous that I might struggle to do him justice.


   So, after praying to the Omnissiah for guidance, I decided to split the model into 2 sub-assemblies and the base.

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   The assembly booklet is clear enough and I followed steps 1 and 2 to construct the bottom half but I held off gluing this to the base for the moment. The top half is covered by steps 3 and 4 but I held off gluing this to bottom half until painting was complete.


Lots of arms, legs, hoses and areas that look like they would be very difficult to get to if I had fully assembled the model. Having decided to split the model into sub-assemblies I make it a lot easier to access most of the model.


   My initial thought is that the most of the detailed areas will be metallic and that the robes were the only major area that will be red. With that in mind, I decided to undercoat both sub-assemblies with a spray coat of Leadbelcher. I know that sounds a bit funky for the bottom half considering it's mostly robes but I wanted both top and bottom half to undergo the same process so when I assemble the completed model it all matches.

   As the base will match the other units in the army I undercoated this with Brown.

Base Coats:

   Thin coating of Leadbelcher over all metal areas then pick out some of the metallic areas with Brass Scorpion. Two thin layers of Mephiston Red over the robes and the armour plate of the spider. Two thin layers of Baneblade Brown on underside of robes. Two thin layers of Caliban Green on the book cover. Ushabti bone on the book pages and Mournfang Brown on the skulls.

   The entire base was painted with Doombull Brown. The reason for this is that when I apply the Martian Ironearth the cracks that form are better defined by having the darker base coat.


    Agrax Earthshade over all metallic areas and the pages of the book. Carroburg Crimson on the robes. Coelia Greenshade on the book cover.


   I was generally happy with the metallic areas as they were so chose to just pick out a few bits with Leadbelcher and Brass Scorpion but nothing major.

   The robes received a thin coat of Mephiston on all the raised areas - avoiding areas where the wash had settled into.
Waaagh Flesh was used to paint the raise areas of the book.
The dome on the spider and several pipes received a coat of Teclis Blue.

The skulls layered with Ushabti Bone.

Highlights & Pick Ups:

   Highlight applied to the most raised areas of robes was Evil Sunz Scarlet (also used this to highlight the red on the spider) and Ushabti bone was used as an edge highlight for the underside of the robes.

   Lothern Blue was used to highlight the pipes and the spider dome.
That's most of it done. Just pick out some buttons, lights and gauges with various colours. Also picked out the spine and corner details of the book - I used a direct coat of Retributor Armour.


   I used a couple from the standard Mechanicus transfer sheet. One looked like a 'C' for Cawl so I put this on his hood. (What self-respecting ruler of Mars does not have his initials on his PJs!). I also put a cog/skull symbol on the lower part of his robes and a cheeky 'mars 40' on the spine of the book.
Base and Final Assembly:

   I glued a few little stones onto the base but made sure they were not in areas that would stop me gluing the botoom part of the model to it. I then placed the bottom half on the base and marked (with a pencil) wher the contact points were that would be glued.

   Apply Martian Ironearth to the surface of the base but avoid the contact point areas. Allow this to dry then paint the stones with a Brown/Purple/Orange mix (you might have to experiment here to get a reasonable match) then, once that is dry, highlight the edges of the stones with the same colour but add in a bit more orange.

   I then glued the bottom half to the base and then the top half to the bottom and done!

A Cawl to arms....many, many arms!
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