Warhammer Fantasy - Release The Dogs of War! - Chapter 1 Rugluds Armoured Orcs

Warhammer Fantasy

Release The Dogs of War WAAAAAGGH!!

Chapter 1

Ruglud's Armoured Orcs

Ruglud an' Da Boyz!! as painted by Gildoren

"Gobbos fer dinner! Gobbos fer tea! 
Gobbos when u wants ‘em! Gobbos for me!"

 Ruglud's Armoured Orcs often march into battle to"dis Banger!

Da Summary

This is a new series of articles from the vaults of The Fat Dwarf and the age old elven archives of Gildoren. We are going to explore collecting and (other than this post) painting a Dogs of War Army! 

Each "Chapter" will focus on a different unit available to the Army, some rare and obscure and some much more familiar, and we will let you choose in the Blog Comments which unit will be the next Chapter!

GW Warhammer Fantasy Box Art

Da Big Release

Rugluds (as we know them here) where part of the Second wave of Dogs of War units to be released, and so are not in the Original 5th Edition Army Book. They were included within the 6th edition game, and rules where released in a variety of methods, PDF, White Dwarf and through GW Publications such as Warhammer Chronicles.

Rugluds had been previously released as a set of "spike - can commandos" during the 80s. Like many of the Dogs of War Regiments they were recycled into 5th and 6th edition very successfully.

GW produced a variety of poses for the Orcs, but apparently a single set of mitts and crossbow. Image from the release issue of White Dwarf.

Da Fluff

   Ruglud Bonechewer was once a mighty Warlord of the Crooked Eye Tribe, leading the Greenskins towards countless victories over the course of his reign. Uniting the local tribes surrounding his domains within the Badlands, his army stormed his way through the Grey Mountains, the Worlds Edge Mountains and upon the lowlands of the Empire itself. There he staged successful raids upon numerous Dwarf strongholds and Empire towns, as well as upon various Greenskin tribes that refused to grovel before him. In time however, Ruglud suffered one devastating defeat many miles to the east of the Old World, and in that defeat he also lost his position as Warlord of the Crooked Eye. Caught in a cunning and well implemented ambush by a powerful Chaos Dwarf slaver party, his tribe were cut down in their hundreds by the withering hail of missile fire that the Chaos Dwarfs sent into their midst. The Orcs returning missile barrage was unsurprisingly inaccurate. The heavy armour worn by the Chaos Dwarfs deflected the few arrows that found their targets.

Ruglud's Armoured Orcs

   As Ruglud fled, his tribe turned on him, blaming him for the defeat. Ruglud bullied a small group of Orcs into staying by his side and fled with them to the south, pursued by the arrows and insults of his former tribe. They came across an ancient, seemingly impenetrable stronghold built into the mountainside. It appeared to be deserted, and the superstitious Orcs cowered at the sound of the wind howling over its blackened battlements. As they picked their way around the huge boulders at the base of the stronghold's walls, the smallest member of the group, the runt known only as 'Maggot', tripped and fell. Ruglud blinked in surprise, for the Goblin had disappeared from sight. Moments later, he stuck his head up through a hole in the ground, exclaiming that he had found a tunnel.
   The Orcs refused to enter the tunnel, scared. Ruglud pushed the Orcs aside roughly, determined to show them that he was not afraid. Besides, he thought, there might be something worth looting inside. Ruglud grabbed Maggot by the scruff of his neck and forced him to walk in front of him, into the low tunnel. They came upon a scene of devastation: the aftermath of a titanic battle in the tunnels and grand halls of what must have been a Dwarf stronghold. Dwarf bodies lay strewn across the floors in unbelievable numbers, and at first it looked to Ruglud as if Dwarf had been fighting Dwarf. As he looked closer at the bodies, he saw that some were the Chaos Dwarfs to whom he had suffered his great defeat.
   Bloodied armour and weapons were scattered across the stone floor. At Ruglud's feet lay a Dwarf crossbow, which he absently picked up in one huge hand. His gaze lingered on the weapon as a sizeable lump of masonry suddenly fell on his thick head, and a moment of inspiration washed over him. The unexpected thought filled his cunning, Orcish mind: "If ya can't beat em, join 'em!.
   He began to strip the armour off the Dwarfs' bodies, haphazardly strapping the plates to his over-sized frame. Climbing unsteadily out of the hole, he stood before his Orc followers who fell back before him. With a strange, determined look in his eyes, he growled at the Orcs: "We'll show 'em how it's done." And so the mercenary band known as Ruglud's Armoured Orcs was formed, the only known band of Orcs to implement the combination of armour and crossbow. They are still disliked and distrusted by other Orc tribes, but their fighting ability is grudgingly accepted. Wherever the band travels, it fights for gold and for food, and for the chance to strip the enemy of anything worth taking.

Games Workshop, Regiments of Renown PDF (supplement) pg. 53

"We'll show 'em how it's done."
Motto of the Ruglud's Armoured Orcs

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Da Paintin'

   So these mean green shootin' machines where actually painted almost a decade ago, and used mostly as a proxy for some Orc Arrer Boyz. The techniques employed have long been superseded, as it was really a tabletop standard job. back then we would use a dark angels green basecoat, followed by the old Snot green to highlight orc flesh. 

"Shut Dem Chopz Boyz and Get Firin'!"

Ruglud Bonechewer and his command group.

   timber and leather was all done in Snakebite Leather.

I said, shoot dem onez!

  A Goblin Green Base really gives away a paint jobs age these days, I haven't had cause to dig out goblin green for at least ten years.

Maggot Ruglud's "trusty" goblin sidekick has the honour of holding the Unit Standard

   We used to protect our metal minis with GW Citadel Purity Seal Varnish, which back then could unfortunately give a very shiny quality to the minis if not used very sparingly.

Ruglud an' Da Boyz!!

   All painted up,Da Ladz look good for a set of Arrer Boyz.

Ariel Shot

   All the metal was done in Boltgun Metal.

"Come Back 'Ere Boys, Or am gonna Stomp yaz!"

   So this is Chapter 1 of our rebuilding of our Dogs of War Army. the rest will be new or updated paint jobs...

"We'll show 'em how it's done."

The Fat Dwarf and Gildoren

 Remember and subscribe if you want to see how this article series progresses. By clicking the link to your preferred outlet below, it will help fund the time we can spend on this, it costs you nothing but helps us a great deal!
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
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Australia / New Zealand

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Bill said…
I vote for B, the Alcatani Fellowship
Ricardo said…
yeah!! I do too! sick of those little lardies!!!
Unknown said…
Lumpin Crook please!

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