Warhammer Fantasy - Orcs And Goblins - Rock Lobba
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Bandy-legged Bruk the Spotter Snotling sees a juicy target in the distance and the Goblin Rock-Lobba crew spring into action. |
This war-machine and its crew are all metal models so the first thing I do is check over the models for any mould lines and spiky burrs. Just clip off the spikes and carefully file down the imperfections.
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With the addition of Angry Toby the Orc Bully, the Rock Lobba Crew becomes much more "Eh-Fishunt!" |
The three Goblin crew and the Orc Bully all have slotta bases.
HOBBY TIP: To get a slotta base model to fit solidly in its base; gently bend the metal bar that slots into the base. This won't require much pressure if you use pliers and bend it slightly then try the base...if it is still loose, bend it some more then try again. Once they are slotted in securely, I then put a couple of drops of superglue in the slot to fix the model in position.
Apply a layer of PVA glue to the surface of the base then dip into or sprinkle on some sand. I also have some larger sand granules or very small stones in the mix to give some added variation to the base texture.
After undercoating, I painted the base with a thin layer of Rhinox Hide, dry-brushing over this with Mournfang Brown then highlighting with Steel Drab Legion which is also used to paint the edge of the bases.
I sprayed all the models with Chaos Black Spray. 'nuff said.
Orc/Goblin skin: Cover all skin areas with a thin layer of Waaagh! Flesh. Apply a layer of Goblin Green (Old Citadel paint) to the raised areas and highlight the edges and the most raised areas with Skarsnik Green. I also picked out the claws with Skarsnik Green, the teeth with Ushabti Bone and the eyes are painted Evil Sunz Scarlet.
Leather: Cover all leather areas with a thin coat of Rhinox Hide. You can vary the layer colour here. I used Mournfang Brown, Gorthor Brown and Doombull Brown to give different leather tones. Pick out the edges with Steel Drab Legion.
Wood: Similar to the Leather but I apply a wash of Aggrax Earthshade after the layer stage to bring out the detail of the wood.
Metal areas are all painted with a base of Abbadon Black then a layer of Leadbelcher. Apply a wash of Nuln Oil then pick out the nails/bolts with Leadbelcher.
Stones are base coated Mechanicus Standard Grey then highlighted with Dawnstone.
Ropes are base-coated Rhinox Hide then highlighted with Baneblade Brown.
There a some small bits here and there like the snotling's flag and some pegs and stakes around the machine that are easily picked up with appropriate colours.
That's it folks.
"WAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHTHWOOOOMP" the last sound "da ladz" heard from the goblin Bigboss Flat Earl, wbom famously thought a rock-lobba was "as yooseful as a chocolate squig"Gildoren
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