Scenery - Khorne Temple

Khorne Temple

You may have already read our post on the Lizardman spawning pool. I thought I should elaborate on the other temple made from the two citadel modular temple sets.

So I began/inherited a fantasy demon army from my good mate The Tabletop Hobbit. Now he suffers from a major case of "shiny syndrome" probably the worst case I've ever heard of, and over the years I have purchased a few of his cast off armies. I honestly never really fancied a demon army but felt someone should take on the role of ultimate evil within my gaming group. 

In order to support the demon army on The tabletop I set out to produce a temple to each of the 4 chaos gods, more on the other 3 later. Today I'm showing off the Khorne temple.

First up lets talk about what I was after. I always try to add a level of modularity and bespoke elements to my terrain, this modular temple kit (the arches are not glued) allowed for flexibility and so how would I add my own touch? A twist of fate meant somehow when moving house, I lost the top of the obelisk and so I found myself attempting a burning caldron of Khorne Fire. This has been effectionately christened the "bowl of NikNaks" by my brother and regular opponent Rob. That will make sense if your from the UK no doubt… These were all made from green stuff and a few bits of odd skeleton from my bits box for the sacrifice.

Secondly I wanted to have modular motifs for all my terrain that would allow different factions to take ownership of these pieces on the table. This piece would be equally appropriate for slannesh, dark elves or vampire counts for instance. Ill make a note about these later, they plug into many pieces of my terrain.

Thought I'd try out the "Blood for the Blood God" paint as this seemed highly appropriate too. You can see this 'eeking out from within the rock face. I also tried my hand at object source lighting (OSL) for the first time. I gave the copper verdigris from again from the new Citadel range, but to be honest I tried to wipe much of this off, I think its either not really suitable for this or I just don't like it, I'm not sure yet.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

End results are pretty good in my opinion, an old, if often ignored terrain piece now complete for the tabletop. 

apologies about the images I had no intention of a blog at the time of taking them.

The Fat Dwarf

Remember and subscribe if you want to see how this article series progresses..
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

   As promised we are trying to add relative links for OZ/NZ, Canada and the USA as I know much of you Beardlings are in fact based in our sister nations. So this will be updated with these links soon.

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The Tabletop Hobbit also has his own Facebook blog. Find it Here

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore


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