Scenery - Painting Rust

I have always liked the grittier side of modelling and painting, a career as an architect has told me when I need to articulate something as an abstract or as a realistic interpretation of texture to make it believable. I delved a little into this with my Lizardman pool earlier, with the interest in the possibilities of "water effects" really the driver for that project. Likewise I bought a set of pre painted Pegasus hobbies barrels to repain for use in necromunda. These are really a test of the rust effect products I have lying around.


I've had a set of modelmates rust effect on my desk since salute and having heard a great deal about this product, have been looking for an opportunity to give it a whirl. The prepping of the barrels effectively meant I painted them up to the silver highlight stage, these have been weathered with citadel and army painter washes (left hand set) but then to test what u can do with modelmates I went all out at another set of barrels with my new effects (right of image).

The rust effect here is added in three layers of progressively lighter modelmates, this is probably what caused the over-effect I ended up with. It goes on translucent and quickly turns rusty.. I was impressed. To add to this I used the forgeworld rust weathering powder to give the dry final texture over the top of the modelmates. This was then give a speckling of the Ryza Rust effect paint to give it a little depth, and the edges were again picked up in a dry silver paint from citadel.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Just a quick one but the difference from a couple of minutes work is staggering and I'll be using this on all my necromunda bulkheads and bases from now on. A small amount of ooze was used to juxtapose the texture on the barrel surface with something shiny and gooey.

Let me know how you paint rust yourselves.

The Fat Dwarf

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   As promised we are trying to add relative links for OZ/NZ, Canada and the USA as I know much of you Beardlings are in fact based in our sister nations. So this will be updated with these links soon.

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