Horus Heresy 30K - Ahriman from The Burning of Prospero

30K Ahriman

Ahriman from the Burning of Prospero painted to a high table top standard using GW paints.

'Ari to his mates, Ahriman of the 30k Burning of Prospero Boxed set.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

If you want to find warhammer or citadel paints online super cheap, we have been using Goblin Gaming for a great service and price. Quick Link below.


I had really good fun painting this guy 🏆. It is a lovely model from a great boxed set

'Ari, flanked by two of his besties.

Painting Process:

First off the model has been sprayed with GW's citadel black spray.

2 thin coats of mephiston red using water to thin your paints where applied. This will give you a nice smooth coat of paint as Duncan the paint master states.

I’ve then used Agrax "cheat" shade on the the recesses of the model to make it stand out. Once dry I tidy up any out of control Agrax with Mephiston red Again before applying an edge highlight of Evilsunz Scarlet on all the edges.

I find using the edge of the brush gives a nice even highlight.

For the gold trim and faceplate I used Retributor Armour with a wash of Reikland Flesh tone. A highlight of liberator gold was used on the rivets and sharpest corners.

For the blue power parts Stegadon Green with a highlight of Bahrattoh Blue for the highlight.

The black areas had a edge highlight of Mechanicus Standard Grey then on the higher raised areas dawn stone.

The silver areas were based coated using Leadbeltcher then dulled with a wash of Nuln Oil and a build up of Runefang Steel and finally Stormhost Silver highlight.

The inside robes were painted using Zandri Dust building up to Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone.

I always find painting the model in parts help create a clean tidy finish.

Please continue to follow us on our table top painting journey.
Tabletop Hobbit

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

   As promised we are trying to add relative links for OZ/NZ, Canada and the USA as I know much of you Beardlings are in fact based in our sister nations. So this will be updated with these links soon.

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