Scenery - Lustrian Spawning Pond

Its a Jungle out there..

I have always had an interest in modelling projects, I'm a bit of a terrain fan and when a friend of mine picked up lizardmen a few years ago I began thinking about reigniting a desire to create a set of terrain that could take a small board to a jungle-y-er place!

I have picked up bits and bobs and kept them in a "to be done" box for a few years now and I felt this was the time to get to work on this particular idea. I set my sites on a relatively quick set of trees and scrub that would allow perhaps for a jungle rules game of 40k, taking me back to the very first games I played when the plastic catachans were fresh off the press. To accompany this I thought I'd create a temple- with a lizardman feel to match my mates new troops.

The thought of doing another temple made me cry inside, having just finished the third of four temples deadicated to the chaos gods, I swapped this out for a lizard man spawning pool. This was a better choice as it felt like even when my friend Gav inevitably sold his lizzys, I could still use it as a water hazard.

In part I I'll concentrate on this, in part 2 I'll give a brief summary of the foliage I used to populate the board.

Lizardman spawning pool

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

So I started with the modular citadel temple that was left over from working on a chaos temple I'll summarise later. The overgrown foliage is just two kinds of clump foliage. There are little brown leaves and water reeds in the pond if you look close enough and a lizard from an old jungle swarm basking in the sun.

I was pretty happy with the citadel water effect. I had inherited a bottle and Was genuinely surprised it came out this good! I wanted the water to look dynamic not stagnant, like there was movement under the surface. But if I was to do another water feature I'd look elsewhere for something more reliable.

All in all a decent bit of terrain for the tabletop.

The Fat Dwarf

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

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