RPG - The Return to Middle Earth Role Play (MERP)

MERP Middle Earth Role Play

So I recently took a trip to my wargamming nirvana, up in the highlands. There we were playing an old GW classic, from a time long ago. 

The game is M.E.R.P. Middle Earth Role Playing, an old but very large and really rather wonderful Role playing game based on the old (pre movie) Lord of the rings / hobbit background. We play this, like all our games with minis, for this we use the latest GW Lord of the Rings and Hobbit minis. 

We have been playing M.E.R.P. for a good twenty years at sporadic intervals. We've lost characters we have put days of effort into, fought in great battles such as those in the films and interacted with characters from the books and films.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore In the latest session we have been playing as a trio, an elf a dwarf and a Dunedain. Here you can see the elf Mage (storm caller) I'm playing. Resplendent in his best dressing gown. In all seriousness
I usually play a scout / ranger character and the move to a Mage character was not a smooth one. He has a tendency to rush into hand to hand combat as his spells are frankly rubbish at level 1.

I've also painted a set of orcs as regular sparing partners these in this set you will see a few characters.

An Orc shaman

Gothmog? The Orc warlord from the last Lord of the rings film.

An upgraded orc to act as a champion

Orc archers

Orcs ready for hand to hand combat

Well beardlings I'll try to keep you in the loop better next time. All this talk of orcs has made me itchy for my battleaxe... Where did I leave you Gertrude?! 

The Fat Dwarf
Remember and subscribe if you want to see how this article series progresses..
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

   As promised we are trying to add relative links for OZ/NZ, Canada and the USA as I know much of you Beardlings are in fact based in our sister nations. So this will be updated with these links soon.

Australia / New Zealand

We also work for the Mperor ... click the link and get $5 off your first order! or Repent! 

click this link or suffer the wrath of The Ordo Hereticus   MPEROR

Canada / USA - Apologies, We are still working on partnering up here with white metal games and Ministomp.

The Tabletop Hobbit also has his own Facebook blog. Find it Here https://www.facebook.com/TheTableTopHobbit/


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