Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus Welcome to Mars Chapter 8 - Destroyers

Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus

Chapter 8 Kataphron Destroyers

Welcome to Mars!

      Kataphron Destroyers now complete, they become the third troops choice for my Martian cohort.

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore


   To build this I mainly followed the construction booklet with the following options;

   I decided to have 2 Destroyers armed with Plasma culverins and 1 with a Heavy grav-cannon. I also decided to vary the secondary weaponry by having 2 armed with Cognis flamers and 1 with a Phosphor blaster.

   More controversially, I decided to add the side plate armour and the armour plates at the front of the tracks which are normally just used on the Kataphron Breacher models. 

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

   Two reasons for this - It makes them easier to paint and secondly (and most importantly) - they look awesome!

   I did not glue the models to the bases at this point so as to get better painting access to the bottom of the model.



   The bases were undercoated with Army Painter Fur Brown and the models with Citadel Leadbelcher.

   The models were painted using the same techniques as outlined in previous chapters of Welcome to Mars, in particular, Chapter 1.

   I decided to experiment with some Aggaros Dunes contrast paint paint on the tracks of the models. This was liberally applied onto the Leadbelcher undercoat. It looked pretty good after one coat but a second coat got it right to the effect I wanted.

   Once the model was painted, I glued it to the base which had received a coat of Doombull Brown, this was also used to paint some small stones which I had also glued onto the base.

   When using these technical paints; carefully layer on some Martian Ironearth over the base, I try to avoid getting too much on the tracks of the model, but a few little bits here and there won't matter and adds to the effect that the tracks are rolling through the dust.

   I use an orange/purple/brown mix to highlight the rocks. The trick here is to mix the paints to get an approximation of the Ironearth colour. Once this is dry, add a little bit more orange to the mix and pick out the ridges and edges of the stones.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Finally, add your transfers then give the models a light spray with a matt varnish.

Army Update

   The Destroyers join the Rangers and the Vanguard as the third troops choice in the army.

That's now a battalion of around 900 to 1000 points led by Cawl and assisted by a Super Heavy Detachment consisting of around 600 points of House Taranis Knights.

The 1500 point force assembled and awaiting 9th edition orders 

1500 points of Martian firepower....will it change for 9th edition? If you want to see anything about how I painted the other models in this force please see the Handy Links Section below

Rolling out..


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As ever we suggest you look around for the best deals, but we have found the following the most competitive.


See Welcome to Mars Chapters:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7




Codex Adeptus Mechanicus - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games
Onager Dunecrawler - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games
Belisarius Cawl - Element Games  The Outpost  Firetorm Games
Skitarii Rangers / Vanguard - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games
Kastelan Robots - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games
Techpriest Enginseer - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Kataphron Destroyers / Breachers - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games 
Codex Imperial Kinghts -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games
Codex Chaos Knights - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games
Knight Preceptor - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  
Techpriest Enginseer - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games

Munitorum Containers - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games

Spray Paints

Citadel Mephiston Red Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Citadel Leadbelcher Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Citadel Chaos Black Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Citadel Munitorum Varnish - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Army Painter Black Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Army Painter Matt Varnish - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Army Painter Fur Brown - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games
Testors Dullcoat, (Best Matt Varnish) - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games


Abbadon Black Base - Element Games  The Outpost
Leadbelcher Base - Element Games  The Outpost  
Mephiston Red Base - Element Games  The Outpost 
Mournfang Brown Base - Element Games  The Outpost  Wayland Games

Brass Scorpion Layer - Element Games  The Outpost
Doombull Brown Layer - Element Games  The Outpost
Evil Sunz Scarlet Layer - Element Games  The Outpost
Nurgling Green Layer - Element Games  The Outpost
Ushabti Bone Layer - Element Games  The Outpost  


Agrax Earthshade Wash - Element Games  The Outpost
Agrax Earthshade Gloss Wash - Element Games  The Outpost
Nuln Oil Wash - Element Games  The Outpost
Nuln Oil Gloss Wash - Element Games  The Outpost

Technical Paints

Matian Ironearth - Element Games  The Outpost


Artist Opus Brushes - Element Games
Games Workshop Citadel Brushes - Element Games  The Outpost
Games Workshop Artificer Brush - Element Games  The Outpost
Army Painter Brushes - Element Games  The Outpost

Citadel Plastic Glue 20g - Element Games  The Outpost
Revell Plastic Glue 25g - Element Games 
Citadel Super Glue 5x 0.5g - Element Games T he Outpost

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

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