Warhammer 40K - Adeptus Mechanicus Welcome to Mars Chapter 5 Skitarii Vanguard Plasma Squad

Warhammer 40K - Adeptus Mechanicus Chapter 5 Skitarii Vanguard Plasma Squad

Welcome to Mars!
   Painting an entire army can be a bit daunting. I try and stick to the thought that the first units I want to paint are ones which I think I'd pick most to be in my army list. Having said that, it's sometimes a good idea to get going by painting something merely for the reason of liking the model or just for a change. This will help you break the monotony or the dread of an insurmountable burden on your time.
   Fortunately, the main Warhammer 40k rulebook provides us with several detachment options which have minimum unit type requirements that can be used as a basic plan for collecting and painting an army.
   So, looking at my options, I can see I need more troop choices and a couple of HQ choices. That will enable me to field a battalion detachment. I have some Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard and a Tech-priest Dominus from the army starter set so I decided to paint up a unit of 10 Skitarii Vanguard. This would include an Alpha, 1 with an Omnispex and 3 armed with plasma calivers.
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   Assembly and Painting    The Omnissiah Provides
   I used exactly the same assembly methods, colour palette and painting techniques as described for the Ranger Squad in Welcome to Mars, Chapter 4.  
Hobby TIP: Batch Painting.   When you have a large number (5+) of models to paint, it's sometimes a good idea to break down the number into more manageable groups. Applying the same colours to the same areas on several models at once saves time and keeps the models looking consistent in their squad.
   For this project I had 10 infantry models to paint here so, for me, I like to break this down to 2 groups of 5. You can go with smaller or larger numbers depending on what you feel comfortable with and that will keep you interested. I reduce the number of models in the group for larger models. Nothing better than finishing a batch with a couple of highlights on a few models and seeing them basically finished!
      I find it's also more interesting to have a little variation in the groups so it's a good idea to mix weapon/equipment variants in the group.
    For the Vanguard, I included the Alpha in one group along with 2 plasma calivers and 2 radium carbines. The other group contained the other caliver, 3 carbines and the Omnispex troopers. 

   My plan is to add further squads to the army that will include other Vanguard and Rangers variants, such as arc rifles and enhanced data-tethers. Once these are completed, I can mix and match weaponry and equipment loadouts. However, I'll save that for later as I have a unit of Kataphron Breachers/Destroyers that I'd like to add as my third troops choice.
   HQ choices are a priority. Belisarius Cawl looks like a scary project and one that I'll want to spend some extra care with. He'll probably be the next addition followed by a Tech-priest Dominus alongside a Tech-priest Enginseer.
   32nd Vanguard Squad reporting for duty....
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 I leave you with a progress shot


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