Warhammer Fantasy - Mordheim - Aenur the Sword of Twilight

Warhammer Fantasy - Mordheim

Aenur the Sword of Twilight

The Aenur "Sword of Twilight" model was initially released as a White Dwarf Freebie back in 1999, in White Dwarf 238. This was back in the glory days of fantasy 5th edition before the marveloous 6th edition under the stewardship of Thoumas Pirinen and aligning with the great work he did on Mordheim. I was very heavily invested in my Warhammer Fantasy 4th edition Wood Elves at this time. 

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The Mordheim Rulebook says about Aenur The Sword of Twilight:

This mighty warrior was responsible for slaying the entire possessed warband of Karl Zimmeran, and single-handedly cleansed the Rat Hole, a settlement that had been overrun by Beastmen.

Rumours about Aenur’s origin abound. Elves usually avoid human settlements, and Mordheim in particular, but for some reason the tall, pale swordsman has stayed in the proximity of the ruined city for months. Some say Aenur comes from beyond the Great Ocean, from the fabled Elven kingdoms, and that he is the captain of the legendary Order of Swordmasters. Others claim that he is a Wood Elf prince in exile. Aenur himself says little about his past and those who are wise do not question him.

Whenever a warband prepares an expedition to explore the inner city, there is a chance they may hear a sharp rap at the gate of their encampment – their unexpected visitor will be Aenur, offering his services to their leader. If, indeed, Aenur seeks something in the grim ruins of Mordheim, no-one knows what this might be. Some say that he wishes to explore The Pit itself, and slay the enigmatic Shadow Lord, though such a task must surely be above even this mighty warrior.

Aenur is tall even for an Elf, and beneath his finely woven Elven cloak he wears armour of gleaming Ithilmar. He carries a sword of immense size which is rumoured to have arcane properties. Certainly none who has been struck by it has ever lived to tell the tale.

Back then the Warhammer Wood Elves where more noble in a Lord of the Rings elven fashion, a bulwark of the forces of good. This was before they darkened the nature of the Asrai, and the Warhammer world itself, with the release of the Wood Elves update later in 6th / 7th edition. I initially hoped to use this as an elven lord in my Wood Elf Army, as he was ridiculously priced in my opinion as a hired sword in Mordheim (150 gold to rent his services for a single battle??? mental) I just thought he would never get a run out.

Over the years I have had numerous versions of this model fall into my hands, and indeed into the dainty hands of Gildoren. We have used it as various elven lords and heroes in High Elven and Wood Elven Armies, we used one as Dark Elf Special Character "Shadowblade" for many years, and indeed I have this mini in both the Warhammer Quest and Mordheim boxes that I store deep in the depths of the attic. He has also had a run out as a elven character in our intermittent Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaigns.

This specific mini was painted up to represent a Nagarythe Noble for the High Elven Army of Gildoren, It was however painted by me the Fat Dwarf during the fabled days of Warhammer Week 2013 (ah the glory days). I loved painting this mini, its windswept features are a joy to paint, its all very dynamic, but allows for flat areas for adding your own freehand detailing to the cape should you so wish (see Neil Greens version from the book below).

All Rights Games Workshop

I painted it in the style of Gildoren's High Elves, so Goblin green base and grass flock as we used to do back in the day. the Lothern blues and whites are, or where the key components of Gildorens paint scheme back then, and while his army has expanded over the years these key colours still remain at the core. 

Thanks for reading..

The Fat Dwarf
& Gildoren


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Warhammer Fantasy Scenery

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Model Paints

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