Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elves Chapter 6 & 7 - Har Ganeth Executioners and Assassin

Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elves

Chapter 6 & 7

Har Ganeth Executioners and Assassin

The Executioners and a Khainite Assassin pose a real threat to any foe of the Druchii

The Executioners have been enlisted into the Khainite Army, joining the War Hydra as the second special choice on the roster.


Note there is a Handy Links Section included at the foot of this post.

Hidden amongst their ranks lurks a Khainite Assassin ready to surprise an unwary enemy. This Hero character joins Hellebron and her two Death Hag sub-ordinates to complete my character line-up.


These are the old style metal models. I have plenty of the new models but I'm saving them for the Grand Army of Har Ganeth (possibly 4000 points!).

Anyway, this unit is easy and quick to paint.

If you are planning your own Khaine Army in Age of Sigmar or Warhammer Fantasy you should check out these links - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games for the best UK prices and they cater for International Shipping!

First up, these models are slotta-base, so we secure them to their bases by slightly bending the metal strip that goes into the slot for a more secure fit. I like to further secure the model by running a small amount of superglue into the slot.

Once they are all secured we superglue the draichs (these are the Great Weapons used by the Executioners) and leave these to dry. I've had a couple of these break off since building them, so you might want to consider pinning them in place but I'm content just to re-glue them as it it not a regular occurrence.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Next, we cover the bases with some a few small cork chips and fine sand using PVA glue. This also strengthens the models attachment to its base as the glue drops into the slot.

After these have dried, we undercoat them with black spray. I used Chaos Black by Citadel.

All the metallic areas are painted with Leadbelcher and then washed with Nuln Oil. Various armour plates are then picked out in Brass Scorpion and Leadbelcher used again to highlight edges. (I want a very dark looking steel for these guys).

Paint the helmet plumes and robes with Mephiston Red the wash with Carroburg Crimson, once dry, highlight with Evil Sunz Scarlet.

The Draichmaster doesn't have a helmet and the musician has an open faced helmet so we need to paint their skin. Base-coat the faces with Rhinox Hide then layer on Rakarth Flesh. Wash this with a 3:1 ratio mix of Lahmian Medium to Agrax Earthshade ensuring this settles in the recesses of the skin. Then highlight with Rakarth Flesh. (You can lighten this further by mixing in some Pallid Wych Flesh into the Rakarth Flesh. (I prefer the duskier look myself so I leave it).

Check out this store Goblin Gaming! prz.io/n5ZPVXHZ

The bases are painted Rhinox Hide then the cork pieces and sand are dry brushed firstly with Mournfang Brown and then with Kharak Stone.

Finally the transfer is applied to the standard and all models then sprayed with a light coat of matt varnish.

We are done!


Same technique as the executioners with the cape being painted Abbadon Black and highlighted with Mechanicus Standard Grey.

This mini was the original Shadowblade model that was replaced by a gymnastic plastic version that I also have in my Har Ganeth Army. 

The Assassin can reveal itself in any of the infantry units in this army; even the Witch Elves tolerate his presence in their unit without stabbing him in the back. 

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Assemble for war at the Temple of Khaine!

Just shy of 1600 points painted so far and well on the way to the first target of 2000 points.

The army is coordinated and Khaine is well pleased with the red/brass/dull steel theme....looking sharp!


Lots of whirly bladed close combat!

Time to recruit some missile firing troops - check future posts for the shielded Darkshards and the great weapon wielding Shades.


The Murderous Host (Progress Summary at Chapter 6-7)

Lord Choice - 

Hero Choices - 

Core - 

Special - 




As ever we suggest you look around for the best deals, but we have found the following the most competitive.

Please note many of the UK listed companies here will post out to the Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA (and often others) often for CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY LOCALLY!!!

Terrain / Scenery


Dark Elves

Daughters of Khaine General - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Daughters of Khaine Start Collecting - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Shadow and Pain Starter Set - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Assassin / Shadowblade -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  
Black Guard / Executioners -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  
Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Medusa - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Cold One Knights (Drakespawn) - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
Dreadspears / Bleakswords / Darkshards - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games
War Hydra / Kharibdyss - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games

Warhammer Fantasy Scenery

Dominion of Sigmar: Hallowed Stormthrone -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: Penumbral Stormvault -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: Shattered Temple -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: Sigmarite Dias -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dominion of Sigmar: The Enduring Stormvault -  Element Games  Goblin Gaming The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Game Kastle  Mighty Ape

Spray Paints

Testors Dullcoat, (The Best Matt Varnish) - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape

Citadel Mephiston Red Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Citadel Leadbelcher Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Citadel Chaos Black Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Citadel Munitorum Varnish - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Army Painter Black Spray - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Army Painter Matt Varnish - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Army Painter Fur Brown - Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape

Model Paints

Army Painter Warpaints - Element Games  Goblin Gaming  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  -  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape  


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