Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus - Welcome to Mars - Chapter 10 Skorpius Dunerider
Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus
Chapter 10 Skorpius Dunerider
Welcome to Mars!
Gliding into the Forces of Mars is the Skorpius Dunerider.
Whomever thought up this design - brilliant;
"Mars is a desert planet right boss?.... well why don't we give them some sort of hover-boat?!"
Quality shout from that GW design department goblin - and it totally worked, I love it!
This transport vehicle can deliver units of infantry to key points on the battlefield. My unit of Skitarii Vanguard will be hitching a lift in this beauty and hopefully secure an objective while being supported by the Dunerider's cognis heavy stubbers.
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I've already submitted an order for a second Dunerider to the maufactorum. This one is earmarked for the transport of Electro-priests. I like the idea of the front ramp dropping down and these maniacs covered in electrical arcs pouring out into their enemies - yikes!
This model comes with a comprehensive construction guide which I basically followed but held off full assembly based on what colours I wanted to paint each part. You might also want the take into account how accessible parts of the model will be after assembly. Leaving models in sub-assemblies can greatly increase access to parts that would otherwise be difficult to reach.
I used Leadbelcher spray on the metallic areas and on the trooper manning the twin cognis heavy stubber and Mephiston Red spray on the hull and on the other three crew. the ramp was undercoated with both sprays, one on each of the appropriate sides.
Painting the vehicle, I followed exactly the same methods that I used for the Onager Dunecrawlers.
The trooper manning the twin stubber is basically the same as a Kataphron Destroyer and I used the same techniques I used to paint them.
Similarly with the remainder of the crew - they are exactly the same as the Vanguard/Rangers.
These painting guides can be found in previous chapters, links can be found at the foot of this article.
I was very tempted to paint this in battleship grey and have the crew done in navy blue but thought better of this as I didn't really want to repaint my other models in khaki!
Looking forward to (or should I say, 'Not looking forward to') those "Saving Private Ryan" moments in the heat of battle as this model will look awesome in action.
All praise the Omnissiah!
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Start Collecting Adeptus Mechanicus - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Onager Dunecrawler - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Belisarius Cawl - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Games Kastle Mighty Ape
Skitarii Rangers / Vanguard - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
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Kataphron Destroyers / Breachers - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Sicarians - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Skorpius Dunerider - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Start Collecting Adeptus Mechanicus - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Onager Dunecrawler - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Belisarius Cawl - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Games Kastle Mighty Ape
Skitarii Rangers / Vanguard - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Kastelan Robots - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Techpriest Enginseer - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Techpriest Manipulus - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Kataphron Destroyers / Breachers - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Sicarians - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape
Skorpius Dunerider - Element Games Goblin Gaming The Outpost Firestorm Games Wayland Games Game Kastle Mighty Ape