Review - Warhammer 40K - Imperial Supply Drop Loot Box

Warhammer 40K

Games Workshop Imperium Supply Drop Loot Box

   I was lucky enough to see the early email to the Warhammer 40K Imperium "Supply Drop" from Games Workshop, the cost was £75, and I had a few quid in my paypal as I was mid clear out of some old fantasy stuff. I thought I would give it a punt.
I note here that this review is for the UK version of the Supply Drop, however we will perhaps compare to some of the other regions later in this review.

So, What is it?

Many companies (ahem Mantic) do some epic level loot crates that is a bundle offer that essentially groups together a whole bunch of items from a particular manufacturer and sell them off for a bulk price, normally much smaller than the usual RRP. This usually means that the buyer picks up quite a bargain, and the seller will be able to get rid of old lines of product lingering in their storage facilities very efficiently.

I received my Imperium Supply Drop on the 12th August 2020. It was bundled with the Warhammer Underworlds Supply Drop that I also purchased at the same time. If you want to know what was in that then click this link HERE. 

Okay... What's in it then?!

I gingerly and rather excitedly opened up my parcel and found there was seven items included in the Imperium supply Drop. Now, I am conscious that this varies across different regions and countries, however in the UK version of the Imperium Supply Drop Games Workshop have included the following:

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508

Generic Space Marine Bike Squad

I am disappointing but not surprised to see this venerable old kit. It was a current kit when i started playing at the start of 4th edition and has long been due a retirement. Unfortunately with the New Primaris Bikers from the Imdomitus release we just dont want these old bikers anymore. That's why they haven't sold, and that's why they are in the Supply Drop.

When part of a larger battleforce the bikes' speed and power gives the Space Marine Commander a fast, hard-hitting punch to his attack.

This box is the most cost effective way to buy three multi-part plastic Space Marine Bikes. The kit is supplied with three Bikers, which can be equipped with twin-linked bolters and bolt pistol. Also included is an Ultramarines Infantry Transfer Sheet.

These kits are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.

Space Wolves - Fenrisian Wolf Pack

I actually am really happy to see these, they are nice and i need some for use as chaos hounds in my Beastmen Fantasy Army. So while I need to re base them I do think they will see some use, although its again really loosely applicable to the "Imperium" in my view. 

The wolves of Fenris are legendary beasts whose lives are inextricably linked with those of the human tribes that share their ice-bound world. It is considered a great feat for a battle-brother of the Space Wolves to hunt down a pack of these wolves when armed with nothing but his wits. If he should kill the alpha male of the pack, the rest of the wolves will instinctively treat him as their new pack leader. When the battle-brother returns successful to the Fang, he does so in the company of wolves.

Fenrisian Wolves are not only swift, but hit hard-hitting, making them perfect for picking off vulnerable, isolated targets, or acting as a screen for your advance.

The set includes 5 multipart plastic Fenrisian Wolves, with interchangeable heads for added variety. Each model is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base.

We also put our faith in the Mperor ... click the link and get $5 off your first order! or Repent! 
click this link or suffer the wrath of The Ordo Hereticus   MPEROR

White Scars - Kor'sarro Khan

I understand if you are a competitive 40K player (I am definitely not) that Kor'sarro Khan is a very desirable character in a White Scars or non-aligned marine list. Again I don't currently play Space Marines so this guy wont be seeing the battlefield anytime soon... 
Lovely mini though.

Kor'sarro Khan is the Captain of the White Scars 3rd Company. Fierce to the point of savagery, bold to the point of recklessness and brash to the point of insubordination, he is nonetheless one of the Chapter’s most accomplished warriors and it for good reason that he holds the title of Master of the Hunt.

A master swordsman, Kor'sarro Khan is even deadlier when dueling enemy Characters, whose skulls he will add to his already impressive trophy rack. As a Space Marine Captain he also inspires the White Scars around him to even greater acts of glory. Kor'sarro Khan is an exemplar of the White Scars Chapter, armed with the lethal blade Moonfang and accompanied by the cyber berkut Anzuq.

This 21-piece plastic set makes one Captain Kor'sarro Khan and is supplied with one 40mm Citadel round base.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
Crystal Codes for Element Games RIC134 or ROB8508
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Blood Angels - Mephiston Lord of Death

I remember one of my mates used to play this fella all the time back at school, I was so sick of seeing that old mini. I was never really happy with the vampiric tones in the old mini, so I am happy to see these are toned down a little here. Again this guy is such a powerful character I am surprised to see him in this box, but I really think unless you have a Blood Angels army, and a relatively large one, he is of no use to you.

A figure of awe and reverence among the Blood Angels, Chief Librarian Mephiston carries the will and power of one who has to overcome what no other Blood Angel has. Mephiston has battled through near-death to surmount the Black Rage, the curse that has afflicted the Blood Angels and their successors for millennia. By crossing the Rubicon Primaris, Mephiston has not only demonstrated the Chapter’s embrace of their new battle-brothers, but has become more powerful than ever before.

As the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels, Mephiston is a formidable psyker, though he is equally at home cutting down the enemies of the Emperor with his force sword, Vitarus, or the searing beams of his plasma pistol. Mephiston can be assembled aiming his pistol with his right hand, or wiping his mouth on the back of his gauntlet – could he even be wiping the blood from his fangs?

This 16-piece plastic set makes one Mephiston, Lord of Death, and is supplied with one 40mm Citadel Round Base.

Salamanders - Adrax Agatone

The Salamanders are a Chapter that I always felt should get some more love, so when this little fella was released I was very happy for those loyal Sallys. In terms of Adrax being in this box, again hes useful if you have a flexible marine force, but for most people buying into an "Imperium Supply Drop" they will be expecting something they can use, and I am not so sure that this is that great for most Imperial collectors.

Just as the duties of the Salamanders 3rd Company place an exceptional strain upon the noble and compassionate warriors who must discharge them, so an exceptional leader is required to ensure that this burden never becomes too great for even Vulkan's sons to bear. Adrax Agatone is that leader.

Adrax Agatone is the anvil against which the enemies of the Salamanders break. Where he holds the line, the Salamanders fight with unstoppable determination. Agatone's Arridian drakehide cloak protects him from all but the most potent weaponry, while he immolates them with Drakkis – his masterwork hand flamer – and delivers thunderous blows with his thunder hammer, Malleus Noctum.

This 13-piece plastic set makes one Captain Adrax Agatone and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm round base.

We also put our faith in the Mperor ... click the link and get $5 off your first order! or Repent! 
click this link or suffer the wrath of The Ordo Hereticus   MPEROR

Dark Angels - Lazarus

This model is one I've always coveted, however as I am currently only running a marine kill team I don't really have much use for this. Oddly the mini arrived open, or rather the cellophane had been removed and the box was opened. All seems to be there, however I do wonder if there is an opportunity here for GW to get rid of bad batches of minis. Or Minis that perhaps where not of their own high standards.

Anyway never mind this, they are putting Dark angels in a Imperium Boxed set!! The insult..

Lazarus is a magnificent warrior, welding Enmity’s Edge with all the martial skill expected of the Dark Angels. Known throughout the Chapter for his cool demeanour, it is only when fighting enemy sorcerers that his composure fades in any way. He has seen many battle-brothers fall to the evils of the warp and delivers every strike against enemy psykers all the harder in tribute to the lost, whose names he chants as he fights to invoke their memory and inspire himself to courageous deeds.

An HQ choice for the Dark Angels Chapter, Master Lazarus makes for an exceptional melee fighter – especially against his chosen prey, enemy psykers. Meanwhile, the Spiritshield Helm he carries protects him from the baleful influence of those who would seek to use the warp against him.

Master Lazarus can instead be assembled as an unnamed Primaris Captain with a choice of helmeted or unhelmeted head. Instead of carrying the Spiritshield Helm, the Primaris Captain can be equipped with a bolt rifle and a choice of power sword or power fist.

This 22-piece plastic set makes one Master Lazarus and is supplied with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base.


Adeptas Sororitas - Arco Flagellants

Ok, I admit it, I was relieved that there is something in this that isn't a space marine. However its still not Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum). These Arco-Flagellants are the nice multi part ones, not the push fit. Lovely, but again no use for my Cadians I am afraid. The combat power of these guys is very welcome in a Sisters of Battle (Adeptas Sororitas) army, and I will be very happy to donate them to the Tabletop Hobbits SoB.

Arco-flagellants lope alongside faithful armies in packs, their lash-like limbs whipping back and forth as they follow their priestly masters to battle. When the enemy is sighted, they are driven into a frenzied killing rage by a potent cocktail of adrenal stimulants and neural kill-signals, whereupon they hurl themselves into battle with no thought for self-preservation or restraint. Hacking and slashing with cyber-implanted flails, pneu-mattocks and cleavers, they fight on dementedly until there is nothing left of their foes but a pile of mutilated corpses.

Each Arco-flagellant is ‘armed’ with a pair arco-flails (well, they've been grafted on, so they have no choice really!). There are two different head, left arm and right arm options for each body, including a specific combination enabling you to make the classic Arco-flagellant, Damien 1427.

The kit comprises 94 components and comes supplied with 10x Citadel 25mm Round Bases.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Well, What's that all worth?

Games Workshop cost was £75 for the Imperium Supply Crate:
  1. Generic Space Marine Bike Squad  - £25
  2. Space Wolves - Fenrisian Wolf Pack  - £20
  3. White Scars - Kor'sarro Khan  - £25
  4. Blood Angels - Mephiston Lord of Death  - £25
  5. Salamanders - Adrax Agatone  - £25
  6. Dark Angels - Lazarus  - £25
  7. Adeptas Sororitas - Arco Flagellants  - £30
TOTAL RRP = £175 

There are a few notes I would include on the above, Lazarus is currently OOP on the GW site, I'm sure it will be soon restocked however, this would mean that if you hadn't bought the supply drop, and why would you given you were not aware that Lazarus would be included. Then you are forced to turn to your FLGS, Internet sites and Internet Resellers such as eBay for this product.

These same items at the following Suppliers would cost:

  1. Generic Space Marine Bike Squad  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
  2. Space Wolves - Fenrisian Wolf Pack   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
  3. White Scars - Kor'sarro Khan  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
  4. Blood Angels - Mephiston Lord of Death   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
  5. Salamanders - Adrax Agatone  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
  6. Dark Angels - Lazarus   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
  7. Adeptas Sororitas - Arco Flagellants  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape


Element Games £156.63 
The Outpost £145.75 
Firestorm Games £161.25 
Wayland Games £144.28 
Games Kastle USD $285 
Mighty Ape AUSD $417

Notes - Not all the products where actually immediately available in all the stores at the time of writing ... so there are some additional fees the suppliers have included to cover their Direct Orders with GW. Id also note the UK Stores here do also offer International Postage.

Compare against other versions globally:

So? Is that better than what I got?!

Australian Supply Drop - 1x Knight Castellan, 1x White Scar's Kor'sarro Khan, 1x Raven Guard Kayvaan Shrike, 1x Space Marine Scouts, 1x Space Marine Scout Snipers. An assessment on the worth of this is shown below using the Cheapest from the above retailers Wayland Games .

Kor'sarro Khan  £19.88
Kayvaan Shrike  £19.88

Total = £ 151.08

So it would appear the Australasian version of the Supply Drop is marginally better than the UK one (£6.80 difference in UK RRP value).

This time around the US and Canadian Arms of GW did not get involved in the supply drop.

So what'cha think?

In summary, I am glad there are no useless cards, dice, tokens, carry cases etc.. however, the fact that we have 6 different factions represented does lessen the deal if you are not using every kit! which hardly anyone will be. I am an Imperial Player, I play Astra Militarum, I was really hoping to see a Hydra or Valkyrie or even a Knight in here. But all I got are Mr and Mrs Space Marine and their pooches.

All joking aside, financially this is a great deal. If you are a painter looking to get their next hobby fix then being able to pick up £175 of random kits for £75 is something that cannot be overlooked! there are some lovely kits here, some new sharp stuff too, and generally the only one I'm not impressed with is the old bike kit, I've lost games to people who weren't even born when that was released. I was prepared and expected to only see the likes of this and the old tactical squad kits so overall I am very impressed with GW's foray into Loot Boxes.

Thanks and remember to comment and subscribe

The Fat Dwarf
& The Tabletop Hobbit


Adeptas Sororitas

Codex Imperial Kinghts -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games   Games Kastle  Mighty Ape

Space Marines
Space Marine Bike Squad  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Space Marine Scout Squad  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Space Marine Scout Sniper Squad  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games   Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Space Wolves - Fenrisian Wolf Pack   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
White Scars - Kor'sarro Khan   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Blood Angels - Mephiston Lord of Death   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Salamanders - Adrax Agatone   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Dark Angels - Lazarus   Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  Mighty Ape
Raven Wing - Kayvaan Shrike  -  Element Games  The Outpost  Firestorm Games  Wayland Games  Games Kastle  

As ever we suggest you look around for the best deals, but we have found the following the most competitive.



Please note many of the UK listed companies here will post out to the Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA (and often others including in European Languages) often for CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY LOCALLY!!!

firestorm ?aff=5e3c31eaa5072
Element  ?d=10389

Canada & USA:

Please note many of the UK listed companies here will post out to the Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA (and often others) often for CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY LOCALLY!!!


Australia & New Zealand:

Please note many of the UK listed companies here will post out to the Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA (and often others) often for CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY LOCALLY!!!



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