Modelling - Storage Options Foam Boxes

Modelling - Storage Options Foam Boxes

   I recently decided to conduct an experiment, I'm working on my 3rd/4th edition Space Hulk Set and the extra mission sets. This means a set of 5 Space Wolf Terminators, 10 Deathwing and 10 Ultramarine Terminators. I have a set of foam from element games for the Space Hulk box contents themselves, but these extra troops come in standard 40K boxes. I thought perhaps we could find a storage solution in regards this, and I stumbled on something great...

   Element Games are great for storing foam solutions for your favourite board games.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore


 I'm going to be investigating new methods of storage and foam solutions for some of my games over the next few months, and I would like to share that journey with you here. So please follow us.
If I get enough comments I'll share my CAD files so you can all produce these yourselves, or I may even open an Etsy shop...

 So I looked at the standard unit box for 40K Terminators, I noted that you could (in theory) mount a Teminator on a 40mm base and that could fit in the space on its side.. I then decided that I would design a foam tray and add a back panel to provide rigidity. I asked a helpful friend for assistance to provide a prototype, as you can see in the images. However there was some discolouration of the foam, as you can see. This is produced by the laser burning its way through the foam but not set at an optimum distance, and dealing with varying thickness/density of foam. I added a Neoprene foam backer for stiffness which I had lying around from my Architectural Modelling.

As you can see, this was a successful test. Its a standard foam tray for a GW box, and I'm doing more...

All this talk of foam has gotten my thirst up..
The Fat Dwarf

Remember and subscribe if you want to see how this article series progresses..
Element Games - Wargaming Webstore
   As promised we are trying to add relative links for OZ/NZ, Canada and the USA as I know much of you Beardlings are in fact based in our sister nations. So this will be updated with these links soon.

Australia / New Zealand

We also work for the Mperor ... click the link and get $5 off your first order! or Repent! 

click this link or suffer the wrath of The Ordo Hereticus   MPEROR

Canada / USA - Apologies, We are still working on partnering up here with white metal games and Ministomp.


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