Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Warriors Tzeentch Battle Standard Conversion

Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Warriors Tzeentch Battle Standard Conversion

Once a Knight of the Lady, he fell into darkness and on into the intense spectrum of Tzeentch's embrace.

   The base of this model is the Exalted Hero of Chaos model with the long bladed spear. This has been replaced by a chaos banner and the normal head selections discarded in favour of a Chaos Warriors helmet adapted to have a pair of appropriately Tzeentch style wings which were spare from a 40k Dark Angels command sprue.

   Painting started with a flat undercoat of Citadel Chaos black spray.

We tend to buy this from either Goblin Gaming (First Link) or Element Games, But we occasionally use Wayland Games too.

Age of sigmar new releases

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore


The next step was the base. It has been entirely painted with a thin coat of Mournfang Brown before layering Karak Stone on the rocks and Ushabti Bone on the skulls.

The under-armour, banner,  and cloak were all given a thin coat of Kantor Blue, layered up with Teclis Blue then highlighted the edges with Lothern Blue. All Citadel Paints available at the best prices from the above links.

The ordinarily armored metal areas were painted with Leadbelcher then washed with Nuln Oil to tone down some of the miniature in order to let not let it become too bright. The edging of the gold area was highlighted with Retributer Armour, and leadbelcher was used on the areas we have just applied  Nuln Oil.

The helmet was also painted with Leadbelcher then washed with Nuln Oil and then the edges around the eye-slot picked out with Runefang Steel. This really emphasises the void in the soul of this once great man. The feathers were thin coats of Lothern Blue and an old paint called Warlock Purple shaded then highlighted with a 75-25% mix with Skull White.

The chaos icon on top of the Banner was painted Retributer Armour washed with Agrax Earthshade and drybrush highlighted with Runefang Steel. Retributer Armour is an incredibly vibrant Gold Base coat that works well with the Bling-y nature of Tzeentch.

Be at Peace,
With the Grace of the Asur.

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Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

   As promised we are trying to add relative links for OZ/NZ, Canada and the USA as I know much of you Beardlings are in fact based in our sister nations. So this will be updated with these links soon.

Australia / New Zealand

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Canada / USA - Apologies, We are still working on partnering up here with white metal games and Ministomp.


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