Modelling - Storage Options Foam Boxes
Modelling - Storage Options Foam Boxes I recently decided to conduct an experiment, I'm working on my 3rd/4th edition Space Hulk Set and the extra mission sets. This means a set of 5 Space Wolf Terminators, 10 Deathwing and 10 Ultramarine Terminators. I have a set of foam from element games for the Space Hulk box contents themselves, but these extra troops come in standard 40K boxes. I thought perhaps we could find a storage solution in regards this, and I stumbled on something great... Element Games are great for storing foam solutions for your favourite board games. I'm going to be investigating new methods of storage and foam solutions for some of my games over the next few months, and I would like to share that journey with you here. So please follow us. If I get enough comments I'll share my CAD files so you can all produce these yourselves, or I may even open an Etsy shop... So I looked at the...