Star Wars RPG - Episode I The Imperial Ship Crew
Star Wars RPG - Episode 1 Imperial Ship Crew by Heresy Miniatures "I have a bad feeling about this" Assemble the Crew. With the recent release in the UK of Disney+ and hence the fantastic Mandalorian series, which essentially depicts a game of Star Wars Edge of the Empire. I got the RPG books out again for a quick flick through, Trying to profile the main characters in the franchise. You're gonna need a Crew! I have been toying with the idea of a Edge of the Empire or Age of Rebellion game for sometime. I had thought the best way to start out was to play a one off in order to understand if it’s something to pursue further, but given the current situation of Covid 19 it looks increasingly likely that we will have to play this via Zoom, Skype or Roll 20. I will continue adding minis to the universe anyway, supplementing my minis for the Fantasy Flight board game Imperial Assault. Which I intend to become a series of blog posts in itself. ...